
10 重量

一株眼泪 的重量 是 多 是 少
也许 就是 心碎


09 看

假如 世界以 我 为中心 自转

你 会看见我 吗?


08 假期后半

其实 后半并没像前半这么忙
可能钱包块空了 可能已经累坏了
所以在做一些琐碎的事后 终于使最后一天了
成绩 没出 学校的管理系统很差 八成 是没能准时 批改完吧 ?
29号 拭目以待 *其实 心里不难发现 这 sem 应该会有蛮多的人都 4 flat 吧?
比如 天运那卦人 我去年班上的天才一行人 lance卦 都 OK 吧
还是那句话 29号 拭目以待
*话说 najib C4
( 房友给 perdana 取的 因为那是大马不懂参与哪国之间的战争
而武器就是 C4 类似 地雷武器 )
在最新的 财政预算案 发表将给于 1st class 生
全免的 ptptn 贷款 哇 有点想借了

后半的开始 当然是让我泄吐到不可开交的
sakima !! *不大记得他的原名了 沙骑马 如果没错
貌似 如下

不行 看见就想吐 blek~~


也理了头 更清楚 其实是电了头发
因为刘海已经 Q 到神的境界 *其实从接下来的照片上都不难发现

嗯 如上 给了 麻坡 名发型师 Anson ? *应该算是吧 每次他都很忙
其实 60rm 还算蛮便宜的 不过 川 安 常说 taman 那个 auntie 电才 20rm
不过一分钱一分获 Anson 理的头时 总是给顾客 一种莫名的安全感 信心
所以 我头他一票 !!
*其实 taman 那个 auntie 就是 小学 李云芝 同学 的老母
果然有其母必有其女 两个都是美女 吧 ? 哈哈


剩下的日子 就是 小说 小说 小说 还是 小说
而且 都是 九把刀
本来最初 只想看 "月老" 的
结果 平漫画 老板娘却说 " 哦 这个没有单卖的 " *其实她跟 小小的老板娘也有几分相像
无奈 我说 " 那我拿 两本咯 " 手上拿着 多一本 红线
" 你看 " 等一个咖啡 " 了吗 ? " 老板娘问 我摇摇头
" 哈~ 奇怪勒 等一个人 才是好看的那本
每个人都是看了 等一人 才看 月老 干嘛你跟别人相反的 ? "
" 是 哦 其实是朋友介绍我看 月老 的 "
" 干嘛 不拿三本勒 ? 比价便宜 加 划算 " 老板娘解释 像卖直销的
敲打了 几下计算机后 她又说
" 嗯 两本 24rm 三本 只要 32rm "
" 哎哟 差 8块 而已 那三本啦 ! " 佳安 就像平时一贯的 "挑拨"
结果 一本就变成三本 12rm 就变成 32rm

不过说真的 老板娘是好人 等一个人咖啡 真的超好看的
*上次 老板介绍的 藤井树 的 " 寂寞之歌 " 也不错
反而 今天才敢读完的 月老 故事却有点唬烂 不过也不错
一句话 都值得 !!

等一个人咖啡 里不难发现 九把刀失常
这次的他 有点感性 有点 藤井树
至今 我赞不绝口 的第二本小说
*故事 主角 居然是女生 九把刀 用女生写 勒 !!
*第一 当然是 藤井树 的 暮水街 31号 超好看 !
月老 跟 红线 呢 ? 则是一贯的 九把刀 写作风格
不过都比 那年 , 我们一起追的女孩 好看 热血中带点男人泪

我读过的 我去年才开始读小说的吼 真的优点佩服自己这年来的 阅书率
* 恍然发现 居然买了 这么多 九把刀

^一本 久违的 画册
其实此画册 的作者 就是 陈绮贞 表面的和平 MV 作者
得过 金曲奖 最佳 MV
MV 如下

^ 藤井树 寂寞之歌
其实没读过很多 关于藤井树的作品
大概 3-4本吧 *六弄 寂寞 暮水 还有一本忘了
连她的 我们不结婚好吗 都没看过 哈哈
不过我依然坚信 暮水街31号 真是最好的 !!

^本地 文学家龚万辉 从事 插画 散文 小说 写作
上图为 插图集 觉得 可以媲美 海外文学

^至爱 恩佐 插图家 好文采 插图得到众人肯定 还是一句话 好 !!
*九把刀 小部分小说里的 插图 封面 都有恩佐一手包办 咧 月老 红线

^ 另 两本不错的 画册兼记事本

写 blog 真是累死人
所以 希望以上分享的 对大家有所帮助


^一直很想拍 恒辉做错事 可是却很不屑的表情

云顶 star walk 之 五月天羞辱行

我那条水的动作 最难模仿 !!

从这里不难看出来 洲真的很 白 !!!

engineering drawing , malaysian study , 还有 忘了
算了 明天才开学 希望一切顺心

20091025 1505 有是大热天


07 假期 前半

再搞砸了 engineering math I 和 basic electronic technology 后
假期开始咯 !
*summer day has gone i missed so much
my boat left my garage*
-ellegarden_the autumn song-
ellegarden 超棒的! 大家不妨听看看
年青勒 ! 20岁就意外有了我
国杨说我很幸运 一位当时我爸妈一定是徘徊
把我生下或打掉的 edge
哇唠! 幸好有生下来 我酱好 !

为什么我不在? 我拍照吗
botak heng :"快点~"
P/s 外人都酱叫我爸 因为他 botak
拍过后 才发现到 原来没一人正视镜头
*可能是我选的 chocolate indulgence 太好吃了
就酱 谢谢 对我最好的妈妈


过后的两三天 就被带入这小说里
很多人说 "红线"没这么好看 不过个人觉得都不错了
认为至少比 "那年我们一起追的女孩" 来的完整
九把刀 就好在 能完美的把他特殊的想法
加入爱情 友情
其实也买了 红线的孪生兄弟 "月老" *传说中比较好看的那本
还有月老的前传 "等一个人的咖啡" *真是商业阴谋
虽让只是翻版的 也花了20几
不能看太快 还有一星期 所以只看了这本
*封面这 恩佐画的!!


过后 上了云顶
其实很突然 本来没什么想去了
就随口说 :" 假如阿洲去我就去 "
就毫不犹豫 把这话丢向主办人 sim
再装镇定的大口大口 吃下久违的 sisi街 云吞
结果 我还是坐在巴士上了
出乎预料的 那时洲居然说
" OK 阿 你们几时"
我有傻眼 不过算了 顺便回味中学时的热血时光
最后 莫名其妙 居然组成了7人团
名仁 城洲 sim 佳安 家豪 育川 还有我

却 遮挡不住

看见 车龙 就代表 KL 快到了

到了缆车上才随意 的拍了几张
但看会照片 总有些晕眩

高高在上却又跌不下 的感觉

最后 要谢谢林梧桐先生
把运顶建得那么高 让我们坐了将近5小时的车程
屁股应该快生痔疮了 !!
*自传上 林梧桐先生说 他喜欢喝铁观音
献在他的墓碑上 他应该会显灵吧?

过后在 theme park 坐的玩的都没拍
不过都在 sim 的sony相机里
*他相机是在世父母出的 感谢ptptn !!
玩了 整个下午 晚上累了就随地逛逛
其实真的很累 所以什么都没买

mask rider 川 !!

没人逼他 他自己要穿的
洲 :" 死GAY !!"
*注意 红色的窄脚裤

1个micheal 1个印度人?

过后但然少不了 喝茶咯
喝茶当然是 Mc D 咯
*汽水无限量 refill !!
上图其实是 溢在桌上的coke 美吼?

就是从云顶 shop 到 KL
除了这 就只有头晕的感觉
拜托 巴士下山的时候 像在秋明山 赛车
*过后 晕眩感 持续了两三天 X!!

在云顶 转到的稀有capsule
ayanami REI !!高兴中
*就为了我这 capsule 大伙儿 整整等了半小时
换 token 的柜台还没开
谢谢大家 !!

你没看错 !! 那双是 converse !!
RM 139.90 *附加红鞋带后是 RM146.90 !!
就因为这双鞋 我破产 !!
本来随口说说罢了 原因如下
"喔 converse专卖店勒 !走 进去看"
"走咯 走咯 阿尼 讲要买青色的鞋勒!"
sim 兴奋的说 心中的担忧萌生
"阿尼 这双漂亮咯"
"哎耶 紫色 GAY"
我道 此时 sim 已在试穿 我口水吞下喉结时 发出 '咕' 的一声
"阿安啊~ 那一双来式看看啦 那双青色的不错嘛"
sim 绑着鞋带又丢了另一句
我和佳安同时发出 '咕' 的一声
"阿尼 不要假假吼 你也去选一双"
在度发出 '咕' 的一声
三个大男人 左脚都踩着一双 '星星' 鞋
"哇唠 阿安帅吗 穿起来几好看"
我和sim同声 psycho 中
"哦 psycho 蛤! 你们的也很美吗"

收银机 发出 '叮' 的一声 像是准备把一张张 红的蓝的钞票
都吞进肚里 数秒后 他排出了 一条像排泄物的单据 上面印着 RM446.60
恍然的翻开皮夹 只剩下 一张蓝色的 RM50
*converse 很贵 所以穿的时候一定要让大家看家它中间那有 '星星' 的标签 !!
无奈的 结束 KL genting 之旅


隔天迎来的是 马六甲之旅 !!
这次 比较少人
佳安 锦和 名仁 还有我
*现在打 blog 也很累
这趟真的真的 没什么特别
shop shop 还是 shop !!
本来 对这趟 mlc 之旅的最初设定 只是 守 '钱包' 如瓶
和 乖乖的当一名司机
不过有些事 终究是逃也逃不掉的
3件 的特价的T-shirt 和 2个 的我绣我绣手机雕饰

^garage 的潮 Tee
买下的原因是因为嘴多一直怂恿 锦和 和 佳安 买
结果少一件就被逼买 我比较喜欢蓝色那间的
可是给他们抢到没 m size 了 咳~
so 最后随便选了 这件
will you marry me now ? T_T

我绣我绣 手机雕饰
这就好蛮喜欢的 不过是被逼的 哈~
原因是 随口说要买
没办法咯 !
*名仁因该会很生气 哈~


过了 两次有惊无险的旅程后
接下来的是 人生中的第3副壁画
*1st 爱心家 2nd我家 3rd佳安家

为铅笔盒 多加了几个朋友


其实 时突然间发现佳安背包上的图案
后来就 兴致勃勃地要求在佳安房里作画
我不确定 他是否非常愿意让我画啦 不过算了

HP 不要搞我

^草稿 与 上色图

同时 我妈居然也忙于友人婚礼设计
哈 这是有其母必有其子 哈哈

不过人往高出爬嘛 总是要不断的自我挑战才行吗
所以 早上10点 起画
下午 4点完工 一手包办
*佳安 不敢帮我上漆
耗时 6小时 其实蛮自满的说

^上漆中 一个人卖命的证据
佳安妈:" 小心你的头啊 !"
其实踩在上梯子时 风扇里我脑袋不到半米

^受害者 杨佳安
他之前的发型很像赖铭伟 !!

^完工 为修改一些 edge

^真正完工 其实没什么分别 = . =
佳安妈 : " 嘿 如果要有新漆 直接又就可以是吗? "

有些事不尝试 永远都不知道结果
谢谢 佳安给我机会

假期的前一星期 好像多姿多彩 后半应该会比较闷
首先 读完剩下的 小说 "等一个人的咖啡" "月老"
可能像染发了 gastby classic mocha + 离子烫 ?
所以 敬请期待吧 !!


多数取自于 小小餐厅

^不懂删除 当作看不见吧

20091019 1332 大热天的冷气房


Longest FaceBook Note !!??

he Longest FaceBook Note
The Usual Stuff
Name:Dennis @ Lee Wee Meng
Age:19 (im always think tat i was still 18)
Zodiac sign:capricorn

Your best friend: im confusing now (jinhe adrian)
Craziest: im the craziest among my fr
Cutest: -
Friend with the best hair: XC!
Friend you trust with all your secrets: adrian jinhe
Most understanding: adrian henghui?
Last friend you went to the movies with: sim jiaann jiahao
Happiest: stacey wanyi?(they jz cannot stop laughing)
Weirdest :im the weirdest among my fr
Scariest: i think im the one
Most outgoing: henghui adrian
Spends the night at your house the most: jinhe yeechuan
Has the cutest brother/sister: adrian' cousin !! kukuyang!!
Friend you would most likely die for:
Facebooks you the most: yeechuan
Texts you the most: no one

Do you have any tattoos? If so, what of?: -
What’s the last thing you bought?: last night polo n hacks!
Do you have a job? If so, where?: interior designer
What was your most embarrassing moment?: tats many..the recent one is caught by cops when i reversing my car
Last 4 digits of the last phone you dialed: no
What is in your pockets right now?: nthg i guess
What was the happiest moment in your life?: al dream comes true
Have you ever egged a house?: huh?
Who is your role model?: thrs many too
What’s your favorite holiday?: paris or japan
When is the last time you stayed up all night?: erm when i was on form2
What is your favorite book?: mu shui jie 31 hao
Who is your favorite author?: thrs many (teng jing shu)
Where did you have your last birthday party?: nvr
Who came?: -
Who is your most recent ex?: hui ching ?
Do the two of you get along?: -
Who has changed your life the most for the better?: mum n hui ching
What’s your favorite song?: except POP
What’s your favorite cd?: thrs many
What are your favorite pizza toppings?: wif green pepper
Where do you order pizza from the most?: shaggy
Have you ever been in the hospital for more than a day?: ya when i was 6yrs old
How many days is your record for time spent in a hospital?: 2 i think
Why did you have to go to the hospital?: fever ?
How long has it been since you went to the mall?: everyday !!
What’s the last movie you saw in a theater?: xia dao xiao
What’s the last movie you rented?: download better
Do you like to write poetry?: when im feeling tats the right time
Do you like to read poetry?: ok ar
Have you ever written a song?: nope im nt tat talented
After you read it to yourself did it sound stupid?: yea
What’s your favorite band?: thrs many
Who is your favorite solo singer?: thrs many (cheer chen ?)
If you suffocate a smurf, what color does he turn?:
Do you believe in ghosts?: nope bt i scare of it
Have you ever seen a ghost?: no
What is your favorite ride at the fair?: space shot ?
What is your favorite inside joke you have with a friend?: i forgot dy
Name the people who know and understand that inside joke: no one
Have you ever thrown a party in which complete strangers have attended?: ya when i was wif hh and his gang
Was there a guy named True there?: ?
Would you ever name your kid True?: NO
Would you make fun of some1 if you knew their name was True?: huh?weird
Do you look more like your mom or your dad?: MOM
Are you an only child?: No
Do you have any brothers or sisters?: 3 brothers
Their names: Daniel Darren David
Their ages: 30 i think
What color is your computer?: black
What is your favorite color of ink to write in?: BLUE
Would you rather write in pen or pencil?:PEN (pencil will become blur)
How tall are you? 178cm
What’s your name again?: Dennis
Do you believe in God?: nope
Do you pray often?: nope 1yr once
What’s your biggest fear?: ghost , thg getting worse
Do you believe in love at first sight?: nope understanding is the important one
Have you ever been in a car accident?: ya
Who was driving?: jia ann!!
Did anybody not survive?: no (i nearly die according to them)
What is your lucky number?: 7 21 6091!
Do you still believe in the tooth fairy?:-
Does the tooth fairy still give you money?: -
If so, did someone knock out your teeth?: -
Who is your favorite family member?: mum
What is your favorite breed of dog?:-
What is your favorite name for a dog?:-
What is your favorite name for a cat?: mao mao ?
Have you ever been drunk?: yes when i was form2 at wanyi' dad b'day party
Have you ever gotten high?: i'l get high easily
Have you ever been on the radio?: -
Have you ever been on TV?:-
Have you ever been in a movie?:-
Who is your favorite actress?:GUI LUN MEI !!!
Who is your favorite actor?: thrs many! li ian jie
Do you have a cellphone?: YEA
Do you have a pager?: lol 90's now ?
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?: disappoint mum
Why are all the fun things illegal?: robe bank ?
What’s your favorite quote?: thrs many actually
What’s your favorite flavor of icecream?: mint !!
Who is your favorite person to talk to offline?: ah yang,jinhe
Who is your favorite person to talk to online?: stacey
Who do you wish you were talking to right now?: XC !
Do you have any nicknames that you liked that your friends no longer use? NO
Who is your hero?: mum !
What do you think of racism?: ya..
Are you racist?: ya
What is your favorite day of the week?: saturday !
What is your least favorite day of the week?: monday ? 6hr class?
Do you like rain?: hate !
Do you think lightning is awesome?: okok lor
What is your favorite word?: aiyo
If you could visit any country, where would you go?: japan paris
How long would you want to stay?: forever !!
Who would you want to take with you?: i prefer noe-ing new fr
How old do you act?: huh?
How old is your best friend?: same
How old does your best friend act?: huh?
When you were young what did you want to be when you grew up?: scientist ?
What do you want to be now?: nope !!
Do you think you were an adorable little kid?: im the kid of BAD when im a kid
What were the names of your imaginary friends?: Dennis
Do you have any pennies sitting on your computer desk?: nope
What is the most unique thing about your bedroom?: ME (lolz good answer!)
Do you have a black light?: -
Do you have a strobe light?: -
Do you have glow-in-the-dark stars?: nope
Do you have anything that glows in the dark?: nope
What color is your pillow case?: pink !!
What is your favorite thing to wear to bed?: watever
Do you like Pepsi or Coke better?: COKE!!
Can you tell a difference?: huh..any different between this 2 ?
What are you thinking about right now?: im goin to vomit soon ! side effect of riding swing at genting
What is your favorite song to listen to when you are mad?: heavy metal!!
What is the last song you listened to?: nujabes' aruarian dance

The Good Stuff
Do you have a girl/boyfriend?: no
What is his/her name?: -
How long have you been together?: -
Do you love him/her?: -
Are you in love with him/her?-
Are you a virgin?: lolz!
How many people have you slept with?:
Can you still name them all?:parent bro jinhe
When was the last time you had sex?: -
How long was your longest crush?: -
What was their name?: -
Who do you have a crush on now?: -
How old were you when you lost your virginity?:-
Do you regret losing it?: -
Who did you lose it to?: -
How old were they when it happened?:
Did you use protection?:

Other Stuff
What is your favorite emotion?: smile till cant see n showing my teeth
What is your favorite TV show?: Bai jia le!!
What is the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard somebody say?: haha..thrs many
How many cds do you own?: nope
When you go to the movies do you throw stuff at people?: yaya..becoz it is bored
When you go to the movies do you throw stuff at the movie screen?:-
How many times have you been kicked out of the movies?: -
Have you ever been kicked out of a grocery store?:-
What annoys you the most?: STUDIES
Who annoys you the most?: exam !
Do you know any fake people? (People who act nice to you to your face but then talk about you behind your back): im the one ?
What are their names?: Dennis !
Where did you meet them?: -
How long have you known them?: 19yrs
Did you ever want to smack them?: ouch tats hurt !
Did you ever smack them?: sometime i'l knock my head toward the wall
What’s your favorite season?: AUTUMN
What’s your favorite subject in school? abt civil engineering base
What’s your least favorite subject in school?: english math BM!!!
Who is your all-time favorite teacher?: PUAN TAN YEE MEI , Pn khoo ,lee kim hui ,many !!
What school do you go to?: MMU now
What is the mascot at your school? a badge?
What grade are you in?: normal bah
What grade are you supposed to be in?: i hope im in A
What is your favorite song?: many
What song reminds you of yourself?: nope
What is your best friend’s birthday?: 12 17?i hope im not wrong
What is your favorite flavor of skittles?: plain
Would you rather have friendship or love?: love
What makes you nervous?: XC ?

Describe yourself in five words: crazy ( tats the only word in my mind )
If you knew the truth was gonna hurt you would you still wanna hear it?: yes
Do long distance relationships work?: no
Would you change yourself to make someone else happy?: ya (depend on who is him)
What one thing makes you happy?: others praise?
What phrase or saying do you use the most?: aiyo
What’s your favorite scary movie?: exorcism of emily rose !
What would you do with a million dollars?: too many
If your house was burning down and you could only take one thing with you, what would you take?: myself !
Were you shocked when you heard Princess Diana died?: my neighbor was crying madly
Who is the biggest flirt you know?: huh?
Do they ever flirt with your crush?: erm i suppose no
Do you ever want to hurt them?:
Do they know you like that person?: NOT SURE
Are you glad this survey is over?: walao finally ! mlc im coming !